Special Offers

8 x 6 Apex Shed £945.00 (Fully Erected) - available with quick delivery

* all prices correct at time of publish

Covid-19 Update

Although the situation regarding corona virus is continuously changing, we wanted to take the time to advise you that our workshop and showroom is now open. We are currently able to take orders by email or via our online inquiry form. We are currently unable to take telephone inquires due to limited staff.

The health of both our customers and our staff is our key priority. We are closely following the advice of Public Health England and the World Health Organisation and introducing a range of new procedures to minimise the impact to health. We will continue to remain open until we receive the advice that it is not safe to do so, or have issues with our suppliers.

Current orders, The workshop staff are carrying on as normal, producing all orders, as quick as possible, until we are unable to do so, due to being told to close by the government. Any orders not fulfilled before this time, will be our priority on our return.

Day of Installation of garden building, Our installers have been instructed, where possible, to wear disposable gloves and will wash their hands before and after making deliveries. They will phone before arrival and we believe that there is no need to make close contact with our customers during the installation, during this period.

Payment,  When we phone to inform you we are coming to carry out your installation, payment can be made there and then over the phone, or if you prefer you can phone the showroom after the installation has been completed, wherever possible any paperwork will be sent electronically.  All our staff will be social distancing to minimise the risk of infection.
Our showroom counter staff are all endeavouring to use hand sanitiser to minimise the risk of infection and will stand a safe distance away should you wish to come in to place an order. Where available hand sanitiser has been placed next to our chip & pin machines for customer use.
Any of our staff who show even mild signs of flu-like symptoms have been advised to follow the government advice surrounding medical care and self-isolate, and we are ensuring that team members are supported fully during this time.